
Ammonite fossils bulk mine rough 16 pound lots mixed variety/size Nigeria

$ 41.7

Availability: 62 in stock
  • Condition: New


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    Ammonite fossils from Nigeria near the Cameroon Border  sized  from approximately 2  inches to 6 inches across by 1 to 3  inch plus thick just as they came from the mine area .The pictures are taken of washed only specimens randomly taken from the barrel.These Ammonite and Nautiloid fossils contain such varieties as  Cleoniceras,Desmoceras,ammonitic ammonoids,Asteroceras,ammonoids,and  others that will be fun and challenging to clean and identify.These rough fossils can be polished and or sliced  and polished ,some as is and some will need to be further cleaned of the matrix rock they were found in by chipping, high pressure water cleaning,grinding or any method feasible to clean off the harder matrix mud and mostly calcite.Many of these fossils appear to be calcite filled much like the Madagascar ammonite and will most likely polish nicely just as they do and the suture display is also similar and readily visible on many pieces once washed as is the saddle area. Each winner will receive 16 pounds of these fossils randomly scooped from ammonite fossils such as those  pictured only unwashed and great for
    for hands on educational use as well as collections with the number of pieces per 15 pounds
    due to
    piece size but generally from 5 to 15 pieces.
    Shipping in the US mainland will be FREE by USPS priority.